Get up to 20 Medicare -rebated psychology sessions by seeking help this month*

A quick hello from from Richard Moore of PSYCoaching.
At times we all deal with issues that lead to anxiety, depression and stress.  When we get stuck in these states, we can get help from an extensively trained, friendly, non-judgemental professional, such as a registered psychologist.
*How to get up to 20 Medicare-rebated weekly sessions with a psychologist:
  1. A client with a (Medicare card) Informs their GP of their difficulties with Depression, Anxiety or Stress.   The GP asks some questions to assess whether the person is likely to need a referral to a psychologist.  They will base this decision primarily on a quick assessment of the client’s anxiety, depression and stress.  The GP then makes a  psychologist referral / mental health plan.

Mental Health Week, Website updates and Promotions

Happy Mental Health Week to everyone!

Did you know that at any given time, 1 in 5 employees are likely to be experiencing a mental health condition?
Mental Health Week 2014 runs from 5 to 11 October, and it’s a great time to show support for mental health and wellbeing in your workplace.
The week also marks World Mental Health Day on the 10 October.

How do I get involved?

You can start right now! Visit the beyondblue website for tips on how you can build a mentally healthy workplace, including:
  • improving the culture in your workplace
  • supporting access to psychological support services
  • raising awareness of mental health conditions and reducing stigma.
You can also check out the events that are being held around Australia to promote a better understanding of mental health issues.

Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week takes places 7 to 13 October 2014, with 10 October being World Mental Health Day. It is a chance to reflect on mental health and take some positive steps to highlight the importance of mental wellbeing. This year, the theme in Queensland is “MIND-CLICKS – where minds meet”. It is a chance to reflect on mental health and take some positive steps to highlight the importance of mental wellbeing. Visit the link for more information.