Is it worth trying to be happy?

Is it worth trying to be happy? The science has been tested and the stats are in!

Actually, valid and reliable scientific findings about what makes us happy have been coming in for the last 10 years or so.

Which of the following were scientifically proven to correlate with happiness*?

-physical health
-sociopolitical climate (ie your system of government)
climate (weather)
-number of friends

Before I give you the “answers” to the questions above – why not to try for yourself and post your queations or thoughts on the psycoaching website, Linkedin, Google+ or Facebook page. Or contact me privately through the Psycoaching website contact page.

A quick minute is all it takes and I truly value all opinions.

Once I get a few attempts I will post the research findings – which may surprise you…

When I have raised the concept of positive psychology, other professionals have suggested that my work should focus on alleviating mysery rather than chasing this elusive and traditionally undefined concept of happiness. There are some good reasons for this; arguably, limited funding allocations from government, insurance companies, and not-for-profit community groups mean that psychologists prioritise those in most need. Thus the “bread and butter” work of treating psychologists is literally and understandably rather miserable.

I however share the view of the president of the American Psychology Association , who argues for a broader science of psychology that focuses partixularly on positive behaviors. Not only has he argued for it –
he successfully theorisred, identified and reviewed massive studies on the previously elusive concept of happiness.

So have a go!

Richard Moore

*P.S You may think – “how can Richard even attempt to answer that – its subjective -different for every person !” Or ” I cant be happy when my life is falling apart around me!” There is some trurh to that, which I will discuss in my next post. For now I am asking you to take a guess about what the findings may be from large randomized controlled surveys conducted across thousands of people (mainly in the Americas ) from a mix of different backgrounds on what happy people have in common.

I’m going to tell you which of the above were correlated with happiness in
In the next post. I will explain the results, what it might mean to you – and – most importantly – HOW MUCH CHOICE YOU REALLY HAVE IN YOUR HAPPINESS.

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