How to Make a Successful New Year’s Resolution – It’s never too late!

Note: Do this on PAPER – in a virtual or physical notebook that won’t get lost!

Firstly, choose something important to YOU and think seriously about specifically what the desired end result is for YOU. For example, “the GP says I need to loose weight” may not be as motivating as “To have more energy to play footy with my kids.”

-Be specific about the change you want to make. For example – “On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I will be dressed and ready for 45 minutes of exercise commencing 6.30am (Commencing 1 Feb).”

-PLAN ahead so you know what steps you need to take to succeed. Take the required steps immediately if you can, otherwise write out your plan with “due dates.” For example: a) Enter into the calendar or set a reminder to put your exercise clothes by the bed on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights (do this NOW). b) Set an alarm for 6.15am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (do this NOW) c) Purchase new running shoes by 13 Jan. d) Commence first run at the Broadwater (Jan 15).

-Tell someone who will cheer you on, support you and keep you accountable.

-Be flexible. If the plan is not working, don’t feel bad or give up. Consider opening up the notebook and revising accordingly. For example, if my 45 minute run 3 X week was just not happening, maybe I need to “step it back” so that I can work up to it. That might mean changing from a run to a walk, dropping to once or twice a week, or changing the start time. Step it back to whatever it takes to get started and get a “win on the board”. Even if that means just getting out the door for the first week – you can always move up from there.

Remember – you own your resolutions – they do not own you. If you are having trouble with your resolution, go back to the drawing board and see if you can step it back a bit to make it more realistic. In doing so, you can either break it down into a few gradual steps, or make it a 1 or 3 month goal with a review at the end. The most common problem I see people make with resolutions (besides not setting them all) is setting lofty, unrealistic goals and then hiding away from them. Don’t be that person 🙂


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